A New Animation, A Writing Exercise, and The Old Filmmaker’s Club

Although I struggled with some lethargy this past week, I did manage to push a couple small projects forward.

“The Audience for AI Films.”

I worked on “The Audience for AI Films.” I got a script done Monday. It ended up being quite short – only about two pages. Tuesday, I took a stab at doing the animation using NAWMAL. I got it done in about an hour. I posted the preliminary version for comments.

If you’d like to have a look and tell me what you think, please get in touch with me.

There are a lot of changes I’d like to make before I call it finished

I want to expand the dialogue, but I haven’t come up with any ideas. I want to redo the voices. The ones I used didn’t seem robotic enough, and they were a little difficult to understand.

The video would work better if I added more close ups and some new camera angles. Another thing that annoys me is that the characters keep looking around and not to the character they are talking to. The program allows you to control that, but I didn’t do that for the preliminary version.

“The Manipulative Virtual Assistant”

At my script writer’s meeting we did a writing exercise based on the title “The Manipulative Virtual Assistant.” We had talked about the impact of AI on writing and film-making. Another member of the group thought it was ironic that after our talk about AI, the random title was about AI. I thought his story was quite good.

I recorded “The Manipulative Virtual Assistant” during my on-line Shut Up and Write group. We turn off our microphones when we write, so I was able to record the story without bothering the others. I finished editing later.

Older Filmmakers Club

I’ve been struggling with lethargy lately, which has limited the time I can spend on my projects. I decided to take a break from running the older filmmakers club for a couple months. Immediately after I said that I had a couple people join. I feel bad that I don’t have anything for them to do,

You can find out more about the older filmmaker’s club here: https://csif.org/clubs/

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