Another Story

I started on a new story this week. That means I didn’t work on the rewrites of my other story. My life responsibilities also took me off my projects this week.

I have a bad habit. When I am stuck on a project, rather than getting down to work on it, I take a side trip into a new project. This has worked out for me a few times, but usually it just lets me procrastinate.

My top priority now is to complete the rewrite of “Felix”, but since I started on it, I’ve been side tracked a couple of times by other ideas. This week I started to mull a new idea I had for a detective story.

I worked on an outline and started to create the characters. The out line has a few gaps in it that I need to fill in. I also wrote about 600 words of the first part of the story. It was that first bit of the story that got me started.

Over the last couple weeks I have been busy with some personal responsibilities. That seems to have turned out well now, which is a great relief.

Maybe next week I will get back to work in earnest on my main project. I hope.

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