I was a little shocked to realize that I hadn’t done a progress update on My Most Difficult Case since last October. I’ve made some good progress since then.
I’ve “locked” the video for the film. I don’t plan to make changes to it now, so I can move on with the sound. The film now runs about eight and a half minutes. That is down from 11 minutes with the original version. The cuts make it a tighter film.
The composite shot I created of the two lawyers seemed too short for me, so I made it two-thirds of a second longer. I’d still like to remove a couple pictures on a wall in a couple shots. I tried several different ways, but none of them worked. I’m sure I could do it if I spent a lot of time on detail work, but I don’t think it is worth it.
Vildo Sturam did an animated Dynamic Lethargy FILMS logo for me when he did his cut. After all the file conversions I did with it, the quality was not very good, so I created a new one.
Walter Sheppard http://www.youtube.com/user/TangibleImages did a new music track for the film. He’d done a number of videos with his own music that I thought would work well with the film.
I’ve arranged for Chris James to handle the sound production. He arranged a recording session at Christopher James Connelly’s studio (https://www.facebook.com/connellymusicstudios/)and we rerecorded Louis Koutis’ voice over.
My current task is to review the voice over recording and decide which takes to use. Once I’ve made those decisions, I can turn everything over to Chris James to finish the sound.
I am optimistic that the final film will be ready soon.