I made progress on several of my projects this week.
$100 Film Festival Film
I got the test roll for my new $100 Film Festival Film (HDFFF2012). I was happy with how good it looked. I had been worried that the film was too old and wouldn’t work. I need to plan out what to do next. What I’ve had in mind is something like Man with a Movie Camera. I’ve been in touch with Howard Horwitz to collaborate on this project. He had a film in the first $100 Film Festival back in 1992.
My Most Difficult Case
Actually I haven’t made much progress on My Most Difficult Case. I’ve run into some difficulty with the sound production.
Can Taxes be Fair?
I wrote and published a new article about taxes. I had some ideas about what is fair and thought that an article on taxes would do well. The initial response was good, but then things slowed down.
Note: The original post has been taken down. If you are interested in reading the article, let me know and I can post it on this website.
The Crying Woman
I got the first draft of my story The Crying Woman done. It came in at about the length I planned, but the last section of the story was short by 200 words, while the first three sections were a little over. Right now I think I shouldn’t get all concerned about that.
Before I start to rewrite it I want to think over what I want to do with the story. Since I took so long to write it, the style I used isn’t consistent. I had followed the Lester Dent formula, but it isn’t really appropriate for this kind of story. I want to move back closer to the style I used for A Walk in the Snow, A Woman Alone in a Cruel World and Hello, My Name is Bob.
Transportation Planning Stories
I’ve written two transportation planning stories, The Glencoe Project and The Gladstone Barrier, as part of my goal of a transportation planning movie.
I posted a request on some LinkedIn groups for transportation planners to comment on my transportation planning stories. The response wasn’t as great as I had hoped, but I still had trouble responding to the comments. I want to give thoughtful responses and that takes longer. I got most of them done this week, but I think there are still a few I need to follow up on.
I started on the outline for a new transportation planning story this week. I tried to incorporate some of the suggestions I got. I wondered if I should be doing a new story outline now with all the other projects on the go. I do enjoy doing out lines and it is a little too easy to drop what ever else I’m doing and put them together.