Make ‘em Squirm – The Sharkbiter Way had 94 views on June 10, 2012, which is much more than my last video, Extra Special Care which had just 14. That is nothing like some of my other videos. Who Shot the President had over 5,000 views before I took it down, while Weekend in Calgary had 905 and The Fence had 595.
I did a fair bit of promotion of the video at the start of the week, but then household chores sidetracked me for a few days. When I go back to it Thursday, I saw that the number of views dropped off to two views the day after I stopped my promotion. Then the next day it jumped to 15, and the day after to 45. I thought that it might be going viral. But, the next day it dropped back down to two views.
It looks like some people look at my other videos after they watch Make ‘em Squirm. I think that it may make sense to post My Next Film on YouTube as well. Like Make ‘em Squirm, it is humorous (or at least I tried to make it funny). That could help get a few more followers.
I plan to do some more promotion and I hope to get more people will watch it. To start, I beg you to tell your friends, and any complete strangers you happen to meet, to go watch it.