My writing exercise “The Enigma of the Insolent Castrato” is done, and I posted it on SoundCloud. I made some changes to my website as well this week.
Writing Exercise
Early in the week I got down to business and wrote “The Enigma of the Insolent Castrato”. It all went smoothly.
You can listen to it here: https://soundcloud.com/dynamiclethargy/the-enigma-of-the-insolent-castrato
Random Title Generator
The feedback I got from people on my random title generator made me realize that most of the titles are suggestive of detective/mystery stories. So, I added some more words to my word lists that I thought would be more suggestive of more romantic types of stories. It can generate more than 153,000,000 unique titles now. It still produces some titles that don’t make any sense. Although, they can be interesting or amusing.
I’d like to add some more words that suggest other types of stories. That has been a bit of a poser for me. If you have suggestions, I’d like to hear them. https://dynamiclethargyfilms.ca/random-title-generator/
I cleaned up my website a bit. It has been quite a while since I updated the front page, so I needed to do that. https://dynamiclethargyfilms.ca
I added a page with links to my audio recordings. I started to make it the same as my Films page, but then decided to do it differently. I think it looks cleaner. https://dynamiclethargyfilms.ca/audio/
That inspired me to redo the Films page the same way. I added a link to “The Zoom Bomber”. I’d forgotten that I hadn’t done that. I think the new page looks nicer. It is also easier to maintain. https://dynamiclethargyfilms.ca/films/