Then the Phone Rang – Second Draft Done – Looking for Readers

I got the second draft of my Then the Phone Rang script done. I didn’t make too many changes and I liked what I had written before. Maybe I am still too close to the material.

My next step is to ask some people to read the script and tell me what they think. If you are interested in reading it, get in touch with me.

I added four pages to bring the total to 71 pages. I added a scene that I realized was missing. I’m not sure how I missed it the first time. I added some dialog and fixed some problems here and there.

At 71 pages, it is on the short side for a feature. However, when I did Line of Taxis and My Most Difficult Case I added more material during preproduction, production, and post-production. I’m sure I can add some flourishes and filigrees to this project.
I am tempted to dive into casting and production right now. Although, it may be better to try some script readings and test scenes before I commit.

Another thought I had was to use Xrtanormal’s text to script software to do a quick animated version. I haven’t looked at it in too much detail yet, so I’m not sure it has the flexibility to do what I want. The actors are rather wooden, but it should at least give me an idea how long the film will run.

Note: Xtranormal is no longer available. It has been replaced by NAWMAL

Note 2022 September 4: I am no longer working on this project.

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