I just published a new article: Transportation: Planners Versus Modellers. In it I talk about some of the conflicts that develop in transportation planning.
I wrote this article because I want to make a movie set in the world of the transportation planner. They say to write what you know, and that was my life for 30 years.
The article is part of a series I want to do about transportation planning. I want to identify and explore issues that I can incorporate into my stories. I published one article on forecasting earlier: A Review of “Future Babble: Why Expert Predictions Fail – and Why We Believe Them Anyway” .
I also plan to write some short “transportation planning adventure stories” to practice writing stories about transportation planners. So far I have published one story: The Glencoe Project and I have started on a second. I have several other ideas for stories.
It would be a big help to me if people tell me what they think about my articles and stories, so I hope you will read them and write some comments. Thank you.
Update 2014 May 13: fixed broken links