I got another writing exercise posted this week. Then I finished my Chinese translation of “After You’re Gone.” A couple people challenged me to do a couple more projects.
“The Offensive Restaurateur and the Bellicose Connoisseur”
At the script group this week we did an exercise on the title “The Offensive Restaurateur and the Bellicose Connoisseur.” I was a little more prompt getting it recorded and posted this time.
Description: Two unpleasant people in a restaurant do not get along well. https://soundcloud.com/dynamiclethargy/the-offensive-restaurateur-and-the-bellicose-connoisseur
I used a new trick when I did the recording. One of the lines in the story is in French. After I recorded the line, I used Voice.ai to alter my voice. I wasn’t happy with the pronunciation after the conversion. Since I was going to convert the voice anyway, I recorded Google’s translate program to get the proper French pronunciation, and then converted that. I felt it worked well. Because the voice gets converted, I don’t think most people will realize that the line was created differently from the rest.
“After You’re Gone”
I finally got the Chinese translation of “After You’re Gone” to a point where I felt it was OK to share with my niece and brother-in-law. I sent it off and they got the file. I haven’t heard what they think of it yet.
Shut Up and Write
At my last Shut Up and Write session I talked about recording my writing exercises. One of the people in group suggested I do a training video for the less technically inclined. Maybe I should do that.
Writing Challenge
At the script group I talked about a radio play I heard on CKUA (some time in the early 90s) where they had a scene where the line “The grounds are excellent” is used five time by five different characters and had five different meanings. Once is by a lawyer talking about a lawsuit. Once by a guy working on a radio in the room. Once by someone tasting some coffee. Once by a guy who had been out inspecting the property around the house. I forget what the other meaning was.
In response, someone challenged the group to write a story where the word nice shows up in every line of dialogue. I had a look at the different meanings. I wish he’s picked a different word. The word originally had a negative connotation suggesting that the “nice” person was not all that clever. I found out that the French City of Nice has a different origin. It comes from the Greek word for victory.