Home Page

My Blog

I post updates about my projects on this page.

My Films

This page has links to all my publicly available films and videos. Some of my projects have separate pages with more detailed information about the film.

I made my films with the help of the Calgary Society of Independent Filmmakers.

My Audio

This page has recordings of some short stories and writing exercises. Most of these recordings are based on writing exercises I did based on a random title. A link to the random title generator is given below.

Some of the recordings are also available on SoundCloud. https://soundcloud.com/dynamiclethargy

My Stories

This page has links to some short stories and a novella I wrote.

My Articles

This page has links to some articles I wrote.


This page has links to scripts I wrote.

Transportation Planning Stories

This page has links to stories, articles, blog posts, and a video I created exploring the possibilities of fictional stories based on my experiences in the field transportation planning and engineering.

Random Title Generators

This page has the random title generator I use for my writing exercises. The page has links to two variants of the random title generator. Collectively, these pages can generate well in excess of a billion unique titles. Not all are guaranteed to make sense

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