I finished the conversion of my script Bright Freedom into a story this week. It came in at a little over 17,500 words, which is supposed to be the boundary between a novelette and a novella. It runs 47 pages. I gave it a quick scan and it was clear that I have a lot… Read Article →
Latest Posts Under: Bright Freedom
I started to work on my revised Sharkbiter video, but then I decided to concentrate on Bright Freedom instead. The project started as a film script a couple years ago, so I am converting the script into a novella. I got another 5,600 words done. One more session and I am done the first draft…. Read Article →
I decided that my next project would be to complete the rewrite of my Bright Freedom script into a novella. I’ve written quite a few notes, but I haven’t done any actual writing. Most of my notes I wrote in my notebook, and I wanted to transcribe them into computer files. I decided to try… Read Article →
It was a little bit of everything this last week. At least I made a little progress here and there. Amazon Studios Back in 2010, I submitted my script The Doorman’s Sacrifice to Amazon Studios. It didn’t get much interest or feedback. I lost interest in the whole thing. This week I got a note… Read Article →
I have a bunch of writing projects strewn about undone, so last week I set a goal that I would devote an hour per day writing. I managed to keep it until Thursday. I hope to do better this week. I wanted to rewrite the Bright Freedom script I wrote into a novel, but hadn’t… Read Article →
I finished the first draft of Bright Freedom yesterday. It came in at just under 68 pages, which is a couple pages shorter than the first drafts for Then the Phone Rang and My Detective Story. It is about a page longer than my first draft of The Doorman’s Sacrifice. Before I started to write,… Read Article →
At the start of this year, I set a goal of writing three feature scripts by the end of the year. I’ve done two and am a little over half way through the third. I think I’ll get it (Bright Freedom) done this week. The reason I picked three was that in Dov Ss Simens… Read Article →
I want to get back to work on my script Bright Freedom this week. I’m confident that I will meet my goal to finish three scripts this year. The script sat idle for a month. I started to reread what I’ve done so far, and review the outline. It will take me a day or… Read Article →
I finished the outline for Bright Freedom last week, and wrote 14 of the 42 scenes I identified. I expected that I would have a 90-page script by the end, but the scenes are shorter than I thought they would be. I may only get a 50-page script. I’ve had similar problems with my earlier… Read Article →
I started on a new movie script this week. My other projects: My Most Difficult Case and Then the Phone Rang are hanging fire while I get some other people involved. I wanted to get to work on something, so I went back to a project, called Bright Freedom, which I’ve been playing with off… Read Article →