Newsletter 2009 October 19 I’ve been busy the last month and have some new stuff to share with you. Video “The Whispers Come” is a short video about being independent. You can watch it here: Story “Billy’s Big Discovery” is a short story about a young boy who wants to be a scientist and… Read Article →

During the late 1970s and early 1980s Calgary was experiencing a huge boom and people were moving here from all over Canada. I was one of those people. In 1982/1983 the boom went bust. Many people lost their jobs. While I did not lose my job, I was very worried at the time. The story… Read Article →

Since retiring in August I have finished some short articles and published them on the web. I hope you will enjoy them. A Fleeting Moment of Tranquility is about a memory from my childhood. Five Differences between Canadian and American Health Care Systems was inspired by the current health care debate in the United States…. Read Article →

This story idea came to me years ago during another economic downturn. Some superhero movie was out and gaining attention. I thought, “There are all kinds of super heroes who fight crime and evil, but there is no super hero to fight unemployment and poverty.” I created a super hero called “Bleeding Heart”. That was… Read Article →

Recently there were several reports in the news about Honour killings, where a woman is killed by her family for dishonouring the family in some way. While thinking about the reports, I developed an outline for a movie, but I need to research the subject more before I can finish it. I would like to… Read Article →

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