“The Tyranny of the Hungry Bookkeeper” Posted

This week’s writing exercise was “The Tyranny of the Hungry Bookkeeper”.  A writer fears the approach of the bookkeeper.

This project took longer than I had hoped. The heat wave and then the smoke from the forest fires tended to suck the energy out of me. I did get it written fairly quickly, but then found it hard to get it recorded. After the heat died down a bit, they started a construction project in the street in front of my house. The noise was too loud to record.

I finally got it recorded and posted though. Unfortunately, as I prepared this post, I realized that I had misspelled “tearannny”. (I didn’t misspell it that badly though).

I had to fix that before I shared.

I posted it on sound cloud:


Over the next week or so, I hope to set up an audio page on my website with links to my recordings.

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