I have been struggling to get started on my writing and movie projects. Some one suggested that I write a story about a man who’s wife had died. My wife died last year. They thought that writing a story about what it is like would help me come to terms with her loss. When I… Read Article →
Posts Tagged: movie
I restarted my rewrite of “The Barrier” this week. My family responsibilities took precedence over my movie for the last few weeks. It had been a while since I looked at the rewrite, and I found that I had changed my mind about what I wanted to go with it. Most of the effort I… Read Article →
In my initial version of “The Barrier” I was kind of skimpy on the details of the issues with the transportation model. With the rewrite, I felt I needed to make that more detailed. I revised 4 more scenes this week. I’ve done 14 of the 39 scenes I plan to rewrite. Most of the… Read Article →
Recently there were several reports in the news about Honour killings, where a woman is killed by her family for dishonouring the family in some way. While thinking about the reports, I developed an outline for a movie, but I need to research the subject more before I can finish it. I would like to… Read Article →